
Flash (1981) Jack Genero

Flash (1981)
Genre: Thriller
Country: USA | Director: Jack Genero
Language: English | Subtitles: none
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 | Length: 77mn
Dvdrip Xvid Avi - 720x544 - 29.970fps -  976mb

Starring: Raven Turner, Marlene Willoughby, Hillary Summers, Mike Eyke, Connie Peterson, Skipp Roppe, Tommy La Rock, Don Bruce, Lloyd Allen, Lance De White, Steve Reiley, Rose Emor, James Rose, Bob Turner, Honey Pott, Janice Simmons, Harry Simmons

A photographer sees a suspicious-looking guy outside a bank. She begins to take pictures of the guy, when another guy and a woman emerge from the bank carry a bag full of loot., Switch to the, bank robbers counting a bag full of stolen money and the woman, who is now sobbing and, watching in horror a sex film of herself that she made years before when she was broke-but now, will be, exposed, if she doesn't cooperate, to defeat her father who is running for governor. Wow! All this and sex too!

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